Project Summary

This project, through exchange of good practices will assist the immigrants and the challenges faced by Immigrants and refugees as: LANGUAGE BARRIERS: It's no great surprise that language tops the list of issues facing immigrants to any country. Being able to communicate (or not) affects every area of life in which we have to interact with others. From jobs to schooling, to simply finding your way around or buying food, learning English language is essential. EMPLOYMENT: Many new immigrants face two particular problems; getting their credentials recognized and relevant local work experience. HOUSING: A big priority for anybody moving to a new area or country is to secure housing. ACCESS TO SERVICES: Services which pose the biggest hurdles include health care, legal advice and access to mental health or social services. CULTURAL DIFFERENCES: This can range from social customs to more significant issues such as attitudes towards gender, religious diversity, ethnicity and sexuality, which can all be vastly different in a new country. This can raise a host of problems for both immigrants and the people they interact with.

The general objective of the action is to develop and implement effective and concrete ways to strengthen the integration of migrants in the society and cope with a pressing need for more inclusion. To help the social service providers and organizations working with migrants to scale up their activities relevant to the migrants integration; To support the training and skills development to enable more practitioners to improve their capacity building on diversity and identity management; To build cooperation between organizations working with the mission of the social and cultural inclusion.


Helping you get placements and work experience to explore formal and informal ways to build the skills that employers need.

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Virtual Internships in London

Work Experience in London is the traineeship agency of KBM Group, creating Virtual Internship Program opportunities.....

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Paid Internships are offered to enhance the exposure & workexperience with special features of stipend, meal & accomodation.

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EU Funded Programs are designed to enhance the employability of students and in enhancing the employment and domestic opportunities.

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